Release. Journal contents. Quadrivium. Revista de Musicologia, 10 (2019)
The latest issue of QUADRÍVIUM. Revista de Musicologia de l’Associació Valenciana de Musicologia (AVAMUS) has been released. This issue includes contributions from II Congrés AVAMUS “La Mediterrània: sons migrants” (celebrated in València, el 23-25 de julio de 2019) among other articles and essays.
Isabel Ferrer Senabre i Ferran Escrivà-Llorca
- José Salvador Martí (Valencia *1874; Id., †1947) y la implantación de la asignatura de música de cámara en el Conservatorio de Música y Declamación de Valencia. Victoria Alemany i Javier Pallás
- Catálogo de los libros de facistol del monasterio de San Sebastián de los Reyes (OSH). María Isabel Arias Villanueva
- Sound narratives in and beyond the Greek art-folk song. Maria Athanasiou
- Regionalismo y blasquismo en la obra de Luis Sánchez Fernández y Ricardo Rodríguez: Una aproximación al esquet valenciano a partir de La purea del amor o Els resultats del carnestoltes. Noelia Bojó Molina
- Music, Noise and Singing in Silence: Industrial Soundscape and Working Experience in the Factory. The Case of Menorca. Amadeu Corbera Jaume i Eulàlia Febrer Coll
- Shaping sacred spaces: the feast of St Agatha and the development of its urban rituality. Maria Rosa De Luca i Giuseppe Sanfratello
- Crear para existir: otras historias de vida en los archivos de la cultura popular. Berta Del Río Alcalá
- Paisatges sonors de l’antiguitat mediterrània: tintinnabulum i basíliques paleocristianes a l’illa de Mallorca. Una aproximació interdisplinària (català). Bàrbara Duran Bordoy
- Paisaje sonoro de la antigüedad mediterránea: tintinnabulum y basílicas paleocristianas en la isla de Mallorca. Una aproximación interdisciplinaria (español). Bàrbara Duran Bordoy
- El cant gregorià en Il nome de la rosa d’Umberto Eco. Salvador Escrivà i Piera
- Música que viene y va. Influencia de la impresión musical litúrgica italiana en los incunables litúrgicos musicales españoles de la Corona de Aragón. Alicia López Carral
- The Role of the Migrants’ Music-Making in the Tunisian Diaspora in Italy: Conside-ring Continuity and Changes. Salvatore Morra
- El músico mayor Félix Soler Villalva (1862-1934) y su relación con las sociedades musicales valencianas. Frederic Oriola Velló
- Ecos de Italia. Repercusiones artísticas y sonoras de la entrada de Fernando II y Germana de Foix en Nápoles (1506) en Valencia (1507). Francesc Orts Ruiz
- Fingerstyle Rebetiko: the revival of a lost technique. Nassos Polyzoidis
- Les capellanies com a model de cofinançament de la capella musical de Sta. Maria la Major a Roma en el ’700. Abel Puig Gisbert
- El compositor levantino Carlos Palacio García (*1911 – †1997). Inventario documental. María Belén Sánchez García
- The Arabic Music migrated to the West. Youssef Tannous
- El Repertorio Coral en Valencia en la Segunda República (1931-1936). Amparo Tomàs Franco
- En busca del cante jondo: aproximación al «canto primitivo andaluz» desde la perspectiva de Manuel de Falla. Diego Cerdá Vargas
- «Diletantismo rural». El pensamiento de Eduardo López-Chavarri en sus objeciones a la música de banda. Jorge García
- Orientalismo en la Fiesta de Moros y Cristianos de Alcoy: un estudio a partir de la marcha mora. Gracia Llorca Llinares
- Anàlisi de l’obra pianística Lo bo ve per baix de Carles Santos. Ignacio Pascual Moltó
- Juan Fenollosa Villanueva, El Chufa (padre): guitarrista flamenco en la Valencia republicana. Isabel Paulo Selvi
Aquest és el darrer número de la revista amb Isabel i jo al capdavant de la direcció. A partir d’ara el cap de l’equip editorial serà Juanma Ferrando. Ho faran molt bé.
At present, the humanities and the creative arts are more needed than ever before. Often, the thoughtless advance of technology, the predominance of ideological and economic trends, and the speed at which we live, do not allow us to rest and this is reflected on the knowledge that we are building as a society. Throughout this world, music is often the spot where a large part of the population seeks refuge, peace, or a space of sociability. Therefore, it is from musicology, as a discipline of study, how we think of the ways in which we relate to sound facts. The journal you are reading, QUADRIVIUM, has been offering a space to spread music studies in the Valencian area for more than ten years and has become a point of reference thanks to the participation of the members of Associació Valenciana de Musicologia and the authors who have trusted in our journal.
The current editors took over from Ramon Canut and Dani Vidal after the 1st AVAMUS Conference “La Música a la Mediterrània Occidental” (2014) when, with success and obstacles, the journal has been consolidated within the musicological publications, beyond the exclusively Valencian field of study. QUADRIVIUM has been the booster for general articles, others about specific topics and some that, by their nature, would hardly fit in other journals. Monographs have also been published such as the ephemeris of the composer José Serrano or an issue dedicated to Urban Musicology in the Early Modern Age, as well as a medium for the dissemination of papers and lectures given at the AVAMUS Musicology Study days held during all these years. As a consequence, we believe that we have managed to maintain the inherited quality and to fulfil the goals we set.
In this issue, which closes a cycle, you will find the articles of the 2nd AVAMUS Conference “The Mediterranean: Migrant Sounds” (2019). The epoch closes with Isabel Ferrer Senabre and Ferran Escrivà-Llorca as chiefs editors of the journal, but a new one is just beginning with Juanma Ferrando in front of a new editorial team that will undoubtedly bring new visions and fresh air. We hope that QUADRIVIUM will continue to be a point of reference within musicological publications and one of the central pillars of AVAMUS.
Isabel Ferrer Senabre i Ferran Escrivà-Llorca
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Ferran Escrivà Llorca (20 de abril de 2020). Release. Journal contents. Quadrivium. Revista de Musicologia, 10 (2019). FERRAN ESCRIVÀ-LLORCA. Recuperado 14 de diciembre de 2024 de