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Publicación “Music and the Identity Process: The National Churches of Rome and their Networks in the Early Modern Period”

Se acaba de publicar el esperado volumen Music and the Identity Process: The National Churches of Rome and their Networks in the Early Modern Period editado por las musicólogas Michela Berti y Emilie Corswarem (Brepols, 2019).

Este libro colectivo las investigaciones –en gran parte inéditas– sobre la vida musical de las Iglesias Nacionales de Roma y sus Redes, consideradas por primera vez en su conjunto. Las iglesias nacionales en Roma son las iglesias católicas confiadas cada una a una comunidad de una nación distinta y tuvieron una importancia capital para entender el entramado social, político y cultural (y, por supuesto, musical) de la Ciudad Eterna durante la Edad Moderna.

En este volumen han trabajado especialistas de diversas disciplinas y no solo desde la musicología, por lo que la visión y la riqueza de focos está garantizada. Conociendo el excelente trabajo y el nivel habitual de alguno de los participantes sin duda será un referente en los estudios musicológicos sobre estos temas.


Foreword by Bernard Ardura
Introduction by Michela Berti and Émilie Corswarem

I. The Musical Model of National Churches in Rome

• 2. NOEL O’REGAN Cappella fissa—Cappella mobile: the Organisation of Musicians for Major Feastdays at Rome’s National Churches
• 3. CRISTINA FERNANDES A Close Look at S. Antonio dei Portoghesi and Roman Life: The Testimony of Father Manuel de Campos
• 4. KLAUS PIETSCHMANN Musikpflege an römischen Nationalkirchen vor dem Tridentinum
• 5. TOBIAS DANIELS A New Organ for the Anima. The Notarial Contract of 1546 and the History of the “German National Church” in Rome in the Middle of the Sixteenth Century
• 6. FRANCESCA FANTAPPIÈ—JOSÉ MARÍA DOMÍNGUEZ Alessandro Scarlatti and the Spanish National Church of S. Giacomo degli Spagnoli
• 7. ESTEBAN HERNÁNDEZ CASTELLÓ The Musical Archive of the Spanish National Church of S. Maria in Monserrato in Rome

II. Music and the Identity Process

Identity and Repertory

• 8. BERNARD DOMPNIER Identity Affirmation and Roman Conformity: the Festive Calendars of the National Churches
•  9. CRISTINA FERNANDES Daily Liturgy and ‘Internal’ Musical Practices in S. Antonio dei Portoghesi
• 10. GALLIANO CILIBERTI S. Luigi dei Francesi in the Seventeenth Century: a Laboratory for Music, Liturgy and Identity
• 11. ESTEBAN HERNÁNDEZ CASTELLÓ : Evidence of a ‘More Hispano’ Polyphonic Passion at the Spanish National Church of S. Maria in Monserrato in Rome
• 12. ÉMILIE CORSWAREM S. Luigi dei Francesci’s Volume of Masses dating from 1557: an Example of French Polyphony
• 13. MICHELA BERTI The musical collection of San Luigi dei Francesi: on the trail of national character

The Construction of National Identity from Self-Representation and Conflict

• 14. JOSÉ MARÍA DOMÍNGUEZ  To Obey the Pope and to Serve the King: Cardinals, Identity and Ceremony in the National Churches c. 1700
• 15. BRUNO BOUTE Liturgy and Bureaucracy—Bureaucracy as Liturgy
• 16. DIANA CARRIÓ-INVERNIZZI Political Images and the National Churches of Rome c. 1640
• 17. JORGE MORALES Musical Practices and Identity. The Story of the Roman Sojourn (1623—27) of Maurice of Savoy, Crown-Cardinal of France
• 18. ANNE-MADELEINE GOULET Self-Fashioning a French Cultural Persona in Rome: Marie-Anne de la Trémoille (1683—1686)
• 14. CRISTINA FERNANDES : Portuguese Celebrations in Rome, between the Embassy and the National Church: Sacred and Secular Music for the Glory of the King

III. National Churches : Network in Rome and Cultural Transfer

• 20. DOMENICO ROCCIOLO ‘Inhabitants of Various Nations’ in Rome from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century
• 21. ANNE PIÉJUS Foreign Musicians and Musical Networks in Late Sixteenth-Century Rome: Spanish Composers between the Oratory and the National Churches
• 22. CRISTINA FERNANDES Oratorio Musical Traditions in Rome: Portuguese connections
• 23. FRANCESCO PEZZI The Musical Patronage of a Cardinal Protector: Otto Truchsess von Waldburg in Rome
• 24. CRISTINA FERNANDES Portuguese Young Musicians under Royal Patronage in Rome and their Relations with the National Church: some Pieces of the Puzzle
• 25. CRISTINA FERNANDES The Role of the National Church of S. Antonio dei Portoghesi in the ‘Romanisation’ of the Lisbon Royal and Patriarchal Chapel

Afterword by Kate van Orden
Illustration Credits
Index of Persons
Index of Places

Important centres of charity, hospitality and representation, the national churches of Rome were also major hubs of musical production. This collective work is the fruit of several years of largely unpublished research on the musical life of these institutions, considered for the first time as a whole.What it primarily brings to light is the common model which emerged from the interactions between the national churches, as well as between these and other Roman churches, in musical matters – eloquent example of a unifying cultural paradigm. The repertories used by these churches, the ceremonies and celebrations they orchestrated in the teatro del mondo which Rome constituted at the time, their role in the placing of musicians within the city’s professional networks are just some of the themes explored in this work. The cultural exchanges between the national churches and the “nations” that they represented in the pontifical city form another important area of investigation: whether musical or devotional, connecting places of worship and private palaces or extending from one side of the Alps to the other, these exchanges reveal the permeability that characterised many national traditions.

At the heart of this richly illustrated study are two fundamental lines of inquiry: the fi rst concerns the processes of identity construction developed by communities installed in foreign lands, the second line of inquiry is cultural hybridity. In pursuing these, we aim to further understanding of the dialectics of exchange at work in Rome during the modern period.

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Ferran Escrivà Llorca (28 de mayo de 2020). Publicación “Music and the Identity Process: The National Churches of Rome and their Networks in the Early Modern Period” FERRAN ESCRIVÀ-LLORCA. Recuperado 13 de enero de 2025 de

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